Thursday, February 19, 2015

type 2: Feb 19

For Thursday we had to start applying our research to the actual exhibit and find icons, symbols and indexes to help us create a story throughout our exhibit. For my floor plans I created more open layouts to go with the theme of "free as a bird." One of the floor plans I actually have the walls in the shapes of wings of a bird. I want the theme of the exhibit to be how Charlie Parker evolved music from KC local jazz and blues bands to New York and Be Bop as well as who inspired and influenced him along the way, such as Dizzy. I want to add things about his life but more focus on the music aspect of it. I also want to focus on the bird symbolism and play with that. Part of the exhibit I want dedicated to being a headphone area where someone can hear the difference between the years of how the music with Charlie Parker changed and how they changed with his drug years. Some where I want to recreate the night life environment and try to let the viewer experience how it might've been back then. 

Some things I created so far...

saxophone in negative space

I also found some inspirational icons


and symbols


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