Thursday, February 12, 2015

Project 1 final result

alternate view

Front left to right (Order, Informational || Energy || Interdependence, Comfort)
 Overall, my boxes include the attributes of order, information, energy, interdependence and comfort. The box that I have chosen to focus on mainly covers the attribute of energy. The top of the design was created by typing out the phrase "Rice Krispies" multiple times, copying it, cutting it into strips and placing it onto the copier off angle to copy again. I feel that it really created movement. I added pink and a light gray to add to the attribute. The colors in general gave an electric feel with the striking blue, magenta and gold but leaving enough white for it to breathe. I used Didot for the Cut up words on the top of the box, and decided to use a sans-serif of Din to opposite the strong features of the loud, top two-thirds.
close up

close up

overall of the proposed/final design

Front left to right (Order, Informational || Energy || Interdependence, Comfort)

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