Wednesday, March 4, 2015


 Outline and grid rough notes.

 cardboard sign representing the poverty in NOLA that added to the disaster, could also represent rubble from the houses that were destroyed from the hurricane.
 Empty water jug representing the water and food the survivors were promised and never got. (First and second versions)

fold out map representing people's journey evacuating NOLA.
 These are the sketches for my annotation part two. As you can see I had many ideas about how to convey guerrilla marketing. The first sketch represents someone almost drowning and asks whats the big deal? The second sketch plays off how authority figures would go around after the hurricane and mark the doors and business to tell them information. The third is a vending machine that display the percentage of food that never came that was promised to the victims from FEMA. The fourth is showing how when you're walking down the hallway how it looks like the walls are the levee and it's breaking as water spills into the hallway. The fifth would be a building type of mural that shows people hanging on for their life as they almost drown. They try to hang onto the air conditioning units on the side of the building. The sixth is a school bus that would have an ad on the side covering the children making it look like there's no one in the bus, representing how the children couldn't go back to school for a significant amount of time after because of the lack of leadership. The seventh plays off how when a toilet flushes it looks like a hurricane and the top of the toilet seat looks like a grave post. The eighth is a paper towel holder in the bathroom. It had different colors of paper so it looks like when you're pulling out the paper that you're helping Louisiana come back from the awful flooding and relates back to the Louisiana shape on the original poster.  There's a call to action on the bottom. The ninth would be a local swimming pool near by where the bottom would have a scene from New Orleans, and it would look like it's underwater.

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