Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Type 2: 1.20

Tuesday I came back to school for the first day of the spring semester; my first class was Type 2. Diving into school again was easier this semester than others, because I was already getting up early, going to lecturers and learning all throughout January during my design study abroad trip. I studied for two weeks total - one in Havana, Cuba, the other in Miami. The goal of the trip was to compare and contrast between the two cities in terms of design. I saw a lot of typography, political propaganda, billboards and other things involving design. I am hoping that this semester and in the future this trip can help mold the way that I create my own work. I think that the David Carson TED talk speaks to this, because he says, "You have to utilize who you are in your work. Nobody else can do that: nobody else can pull from your background, from your parents, your upbringing, your whole life experience." The study abroad experience has given me a unique perspective and will help create my own personal style in design. No, the trip won't make me change my design style completely, but it's another addition to my background of experiences that will create who I am personally and who I am as a designer. Hopefully this will help me to create original work that is unlike anyone else's. The TED talk showed me that we should break the boundaries of standard type on a page, and get out of the box. The outside of the box is literally what we are designing for the first project so I guess it all comes full circle.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. well-stated buddy...well-stated. i'm looking forward to helping/watching you grow into that unique designer.

  3. ...yes. my first comment had a most awesome typo—please forgive.
