Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Poster+

 The first image that you see here is the original poster that I was given. Al it has on it is an image of Louisiana flooding and then says Failure to Execute Minimal Assistance. A person would have zero idea what this means unless they were already involved in helping this cause. What I created was a set of things that help to explain the poster. The first piece I have is a map. It focuses mostly on how the government went from having an evacuation plan to not having one. Highways were a mess, they had to all cram into the super dome, which caused lack of resources for many people. The red dots show random facts and call outs that people are drawn to and immediately feel remorse for this cause. I picked a map, because it ties back to evacuation and relates to the original Louisiana image. I originally had it hand held size, but after the interviews I realized I needed to make it into something a more realistic form of a map so that people could get a sense of being in those victim's shoes and realizing what it's like to look at a map and see no escape at all. I made it full road map size and folds up. My second piece would go into the bathroom at the exhibit, again it relates back to the original poster, because of the colors and outline of Louisiana. It provides paper towels and changes from blue to black, so that when people pull down on the paper towels they can physically see themselves helping out Louisiana, and realize that it's easy to help those people by simply going to the website provided and even just donating $5. It shows empathy, because you can see the state drowning in front of your eyes, and no person would ever want that for their own state or country. Again I explained what FEMA is on the second piece, because many people don't really understand what it is. I think that if you saw these three pieces in the same building you would know that they are all relating back to each other.

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